EXcellent Classification updates for Masterrind sires

Anna Barnett - Monday 26th April 2021

February excellent sire classification in Verden

7 bulls scored EX-90 – Darlingo EX-92 is new #1 in Germany

In mid-February the eagerly awaited excellent sire classification of the MASTERRIND bulls took place in the main sire barn in Verden.

The chief classifier of the German umbrella organization, Bundesverband Rind und Schwein e.V. (BRS), Dorothee Warder, is responsible for these classification scores. In order to receive the highly desirable rating “Excellent”, a bull must have reached a minimum age of three years at the time of classification. And, of course, be able to show the corresponding phenotype. The results have been outstanding for MASTERRIND. From a total of twelve bulls evaluated that day, no less than eight bulls were rated “Excellent” by expert Warder!

The majority of these bulls are daughter proven and excel not only with their breeding values through daughter information but also with their own conformation. One of the most popular sires for Red & White Holstein breeders, ARINO RED EX90, is backed by a pedigree with nine generations of excellent cows and is thus the tenth generation “Excellent” in a row. Likewise, another superstar in the MASTERRIND barn, WEH BEATSTICK EX-90, proved his own conformation. His first daughters have already calved for the third time. Some of them are also classified excellent. Another customer satisfaction bull is RODGER EX-90. This Robust son with an “outcross” pedigree plus an interesting aAa code (153624) has also already daughters in higher lactations. They are characterised by a lot of strength and power, low stature, and outstanding developing potential.

The fourth in the group of MASTERPROVEN bulls with an excellent evaluation that day is Veenhuizer K&L JAMESON EX-90. This Jet Set son made a fantastic debut in the December breeding evaluation. His uniform, medium-stature daughters have amazing udders that shine with a far above-average texture in addition to very firm attachments.

The showpiece

The crowning glory in the line-up of daughter-tested bulls is Ptit Coeur Doorman DARLINGO, who now was raised to Excellent-92 points. His daughters convince dairy cattle farmers all over Europe. That’s for their fantastic udders, dry bone quality and the ability to perform. Darlingo is now the highest classified, living bull in Germany and we are sure that he has not yet shown his full potential.

Ptit Coeur Doorman DARLINGO EX-90
Ptit Coeur Doorman DARLINGO EX-92



Also, in the field of genomic young bulls, three MASTERGEN flagships have received the top classification “Excellent”. First and foremost is the successful sire of sons, GYWER RDC EX-90. His first daughters have calved. And we are looking forward to seeing how his breeding values will be confirmed. LOH DICE RED EX-90 is another type sire who is on the threshold of his daughter breeding value. His first daughters already received a lot of attention internationally as young heifers when they were able to win renowned cattle shows. Dice Red is also very popular in North America. His first milking daughters in Europe also show a fantastic udder quality.

As a welcome addition our polled Jersey sire, Rose Callenberg CRYSTAL P EX-90, has also part of the conformation stars at MASTERRIND. His first offspring is currently ready for mating and leaving a very positive impression in the owner’s barns. Crystal P semen is also widely exported around the world. The breeders feedback in the USA or New Zealand is consistently positive.

This successful bull classification day again underlined the quality of MASTERRIND sires, not only in terms of their breeding values.
We hope that these top conformation scores of our sires will further strengthen your confidence in the genetics from MASTERRIND.

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