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Anna Barnett - Thursday 27th August 2015

Mastergen are delighted to offer a unique, pure red, homozygous polled sire extending back to the two times World Dairy Expo Supreme Champion, Harvue Roy Frosty EX-97!

EMS-RED PP offers elite Type breeders excellent conformation traits and is a step-up from any ordinary homozygous polled sire. You can expect his daughters to be very correct, with ideal slopes to the rumps with excellent venation and udder quality throughout the mammary systems. Ems Red PP is a sought after bull for breeders wanting to use something a little different from one of the World best show cow families.

Bull: Ems Red PP

Bull: Ems Red PP


4th Dam: Harvue Roy Frosty EX97-2E

4th Dam: Harvue Roy Frosty EX97-2E




Type Merit +2.69
Mammary +2.46
Legs & Feet +1.87
Milk +411 kg
Fertility +4.3


EMS-RED PP will be available to UK breeders this October but semen will be limited. Straws will be £35 per straw.

Telephone 01823 430317 to reserve stock or order

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